1 min readOct 29, 2021


Well put! We need more people talking about the costs of capitalist method of sustainability.

From what I've heard the biggest complaint about tiny houses is that they start feeling like a prison cell and you can't do anything in them because there's no space. Have a hobby like painting? Where are you going to do that...on your bed? Even if you have a brilliant storage system in place - you still have to take time to get everything out and setup and then put it all away again if you're wanting any semblance of a tidy house - that kind of activity costs time - and isn't one of the points of living simply and sustainably is so that you have more time for things you actually want to do? Not if you have to spend extra time setting up and breaking down for every action whether it be cooking or a puzzle.




Human Being, b. circa 1990 ~ planet Terra, Via Lactea Galaxia